My World Beyond Design

When I step away from the hustle and bustle of work, you'll often find me immersed in two of my greatest loves: the soothing embrace of a sun-kissed beach and the cosy haven of my very own camper van, a labour of love that I transformed into a mobile paradise. It's not just me who enjoys this serene escape – my wife, our 2-year-old daughter, and our Cocker Spaniel are all on board for these unforgettable adventures.

But it's the waves that truly call my name, igniting a passion within me that only surfing can quench. As I've delved deeper into the art of riding the waves, I've realised that the ocean has been my most insightful teacher. Every break and swell has imparted lessons that transcend the shoreline – resilience in the face of challenges, the thrill of embracing the unknown, and the sheer joy of living in the present moment.

Beyond the ebb and flow of tides, another calling fuels my spirit. By day, I'm dedicated to my profession, but my heart also finds its rhythm in the world of social entrepreneurship. As a mentor, I extend a guiding hand to those bold innovators who dare to make a difference. I've ventured beyond my own career to help emerging social enterprises flourish. It's a visceral thrill to witness the sparks of brilliance in these aspiring entrepreneurs and then empower them to set their visions in motion.
The satisfaction is immeasurable – seeing those radiant ideas take flight and evolve into real-world solutions for the issues that tug at their hearts. Armed with my experience and enthusiasm, I've mentored an inspiring lineup of startups scattered throughout the South and South West of the UK. Each of these ventures is a testament to the power of mentorship, determination, and the boundless potential of human innovation.

So, whether I'm riding the waves, exploring new horizons in my trusty camper van, or fostering the growth of social enterprise dreamers, my life is an intricate tapestry woven with passion, purpose, and the exhilarating pursuit of what truly matters.

Why I became a product designer

Becoming a product designer was a path that naturally evolved from my passion for creativity and problem-solving. From a young age, I found myself drawn to the way things looked, felt, and functioned. This fascination with the intersection of aesthetics and utility led me to explore various forms of art and design, from sketching and painting to digital graphics and beyond.

However, what truly solidified my commitment to becoming a product designer was the realization that I could use my skills to make a tangible impact on people's lives. Products are not just objects; they're experiences. They have the power to enhance daily routines, simplify tasks, and even inspire emotions. I saw the potential to create designs that address real-world challenges and make a positive difference.

The iterative nature of product design also profoundly appealed to my curiosity and love for learning. The constant process of ideation, prototyping, testing, and refining resonated with me, as it reflected a dynamic cycle of growth and improvement that mirrored my personal values.

What's more, I was drawn to the collaborative aspect of product design. The opportunity to work closely with cross-functional teams, including engineers, marketers, and user experience experts, excited me. The diversity of perspectives and skills that each team member brings to the table enriches the design process and results in well-rounded, innovative solutions.

In essence, I became a product designer because it allowed me to combine my artistic flair with my analytical mindset. It offers me a chance to positively impact people's lives while continuously learning and collaborating with talented individuals. The journey of transforming ideas into functional and beautiful products is not only professionally fulfilling but also emotionally rewarding as I contribute to shaping the way we interact with the world around us.


Life summed up in polaroids