To comply with my non-disclosure agreement, I have omitted and obfuscated confidential information. All information is my own and does not necessarily reflect the views of Lloyds Banking Group.


Understand what matters to the user

Within Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) there are many support teams for different applications and in these areas there is more reliance on technology to help service the demand. I was fortunate to be able to design and implement LBGs first ChatBot.

A collaborative, user centred, interactive design process was used to guide this project from kickoff, through development and launch. Research, interviews and testing provided invaluable input and ongoing that helped me craft, then iterate upon an experience.


Ideas to find opportunities that meet what matters to the user

As a first step in the process, I facilitated stakeholder interviews and impromptu chats with core teams members to get a better sense of individual stakeholder desires, concerns, goals, their understanding, and attitudes toward the project.

To kick the project off, I facilitated group ideation and brainstorming exercises with the design and product team, as well as critical stakeholders. This helped reinforce alignment with the core team and the goals of the project and the problem we were solving.

I then facilitated a mind-mapping exercise to help map out a viable conversation ecosystem which helped visualise the system and high-level approach.

Next low-tech, rapid prototyping with post-it notes allowed us to generate divergent ideas as a team. Through rapid iteration and failing fast, we were able to fail fast. This process allowed for the evaluation and identification of overlapping content and reusable messaging patterns across multiple situations
After completion of the rapid prototyping exercise, a draft of high-level process flow was created that mapped strings of message ‘types’ to trigger events.


Design and develop a solution through test and learn

The final steps in the design process I created iterative wireframe designs and worked with the UI designer to design familiar interaction paradigms and visual queues that users were accustomed to interacting with when using a chat facility.

Business & User Outcomes

  • The Chatbot not only delivered on core business needs, but also delighted users.
  • Reduce demand on support desks.
  • FTE Savings